Saturday, June 22, 2013

KimYe's baby name is ...

So baby KimYe was born a couple of day's ago and TMZ has officially learned the name that Kim and Kanye have given the baby girl. North, yes you read that right North. Her name is North West, Poor little tink tink. Not only does she have two of the biggest fame/attention whores of all time as parents but now they have cursed her to a life time of therapy and direction related jokes at her expense.

There where rumors that they where going to name the baby Kadience. I thought this was cute especially since it was music themed, but nawl not Kim and Kanye they had to go left.

Paula Deen, Racist?

So as many of you know celebrity Chef Paula Deen was recently discovered to be a racist. This discovery stem's from a current lawsuit in which Paula's former employee is suing her. The employee claims she was harassed and  assaulted by Paula's brother Bubba, and that Paula herself frequently used the N word. In her deposition Paula admits to using the racial slur and gave example's of jokes she made. Paula claims most of her jokes where about Jewish people, Rednecks and Black folk, and she can not determined what offends other people. She then goes on to describe an idea for a party she wanted to have.... (Huffington Post has a copy of the entire deposition)

"The whole entire waiter staff was middle-aged black men, and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie.

"I mean, it was really impressive. That restaurant represented a certain era in America... after the Civil War, during the Civil war, before the Civil War... It was not only black men, it was black women... I would say they were slaves."

OK so let me see if I get this You thought it was ok to have an entire wait staff (all black people) dress and pretend to be in the civil war? Because that was such an awesome time for us? I love how she said it like there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Red Wedding

Image Credit: Entertainment Weekly

So I am totally late with this posts seeing as this episode aired last sunday, but I was catching up with school. With that being said I am totally destroyed after watching this episode of Game of Thrones. Warning to continue reading this you will be exposed to many spoilers Please Do Not Continue reading if you have not already seen Games of Thrones season 3, episode 9 entitled "The Rains of Castamere". 

Now I have loved Thrones ever since I stumbled upon it by accident in the very first season, but I have to admit I am a fair weather watcher. I get highly invested in Tv show's and the character's I love and after they killed my Ned Stark I didn't watch for a whole season. I finally get over that emotional trauma and come back for season 3, get all invested again and this is what they do? They kill my Robb Stark!!!!!!!! I am devasted. Not only did they kill him, they killed his wife, mother, troops, hell they killed his dame direwolf too. Yes even the dog.!!!

Really HBO? 

 The scene was so horrible I was in shock. Now readers of George R.R Martin's books will tell me that these death's where important for the overall story lines and yada yada yada, but I am not hearing any of it. Seriouslly hasn't this family suffered enough? You are the epitome of struggle if your last name is Stark. Now if I'm gonna be honest with myself I saw Robb's death coming. He made several