Friday, May 24, 2013

It takes time

I have recently come to a conclusion that I feel I need to share. Getting over something is not EASY. Going through a traumatic experience such as a break up. Takes time you can not expect someone to get over it in the time frame you allot. People go through things in different ways and not everyone's healing process is the same. Just because friends and family want you to go back to being the "old you", and to magically get over it doesn't mean that you will.

 Or that you should try and rush your self or hide how you really feel so that they'll leave you alone or think you are getting over it. People need to understand that your feelings are your feelings and that doesn't mean wallow in it or not allow your self to move on. But just because you are not there yet doesn't mean they should condemn you or say that you are stopping your self.
Falling in love is a powerful thing and breaking up can be even more powerful. A broken heart is a terrible thing. You feel alone and hurt, like no one understands you. In some aspects they don't because your situation was not there's. They might say well I've had my heart broken before and it maybe true but no heart break is like your's because your heart and relationship are unique. You might never be back to the "old you" because every situation we go through changes us.

 These experiences make us who we are. Take the time you need. Family and friends mean well, they really do. Feeling better is the goal. No one wants to see someone they love in pain. But pain is just that pain. It's hard and will most always take time.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

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