Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My letter to Math

So I've recently started college; and discovered one very important thing I'm competely useless when it comes to math. When doing any math related activities I can be seen reguarly looking like this.....

Or somewhere in a corner doing epic wall slides. After making this discovery I realized  that math and I have some issue's, because of this I decided to write math a letter. 

Dear Math,

You and I have been together for about eighteen years now and in that time our relationship has never been what you would call smooth. However it had been amicable. Recently, though I have noticed since I started college you have become distant. Our communication has become
all but non exsistant, as I can never understand anything you say anymore.You have become borderline emotionally abusive; because of your abuse my self-esteem on the subject is at an all time low. We used to bond over simple things like addition, subtraction, multipication and division. Now you've become hard and difficult to understand. Using phrases like trigonometry,calculus and geometry. When did you learn this second and bizarre language? When did us spending time together become the equivilent to chewing cement cereal? How do you expect us to carry on if the current state of our relationship stays the same? I long for the days when you where simple and I didn't feel like idiot. We need some type of counseling or I fear we may never get back our once peaceful coexistence .

So are you and math still getting along?

(Image credit: Google)


  1. Brilliant and so true. I'm all about words, girl. Those numbers make me crazy but we'll show 'em because numbers can be made into words, too, three, four, etc.

    1. LMBO this comment literally made me laugh so hard, you are right we will show them


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